Net zero
Scope 1 & 2 by 2035; and Scope 3 by 2040 SBTi approval pending
Responsible Sourcing Charter
launched for all our suppliers
RSPO Certified Palm oil (segregated)
of suppliers risk assessed in 2022
Operating responsibly
Our goal is net zero emissions from our operations by 2035.
The food system is responsible for nearly a third of all human caused GHG emissions which lead to climate change and extreme weather. As a food producer, we’re already taking steps to tackle our emissions. For Scope 1 emissions (related to our heating, cooling and transportation), we’ve started to power down machinery during lunchtimes and breaks, alarm our deep chill and freezers, replace fluorinated gases with natural refrigeration coolants, invest in new liquified natural gas trucks and pilot more emissions-friendly modes of transport. For Scope 2 emissions (related to the electricity we purchase), we’ve been purchasing 100% renewable electricity for our operations since 2018. The electricity generated from the solar panels installed in parts of our estate also contributes to lowering our Scope 2 emissions. The journey to net zero has started. We won’t stop until we get there.
Sourcing responsibly
Our goal is net zero supply chain emissions by 2040 and complete Responsible Sourcing Charter adherence.
We source from suppliers around the world, with some ingredients coming from as far away as South-East Asia and South America. Our supplier engagement covers a range of commitments and targets, from emissions reductions and zero deforestation goals to human rights monitoring and fair pay, traceability and quality to legislative compliance and animal welfare. Visibility of our supply chain is achieved via our membership of the Supplier Ethical Data Exchange (Sedex) and the Food Network for Ethical Trade (FNET), plus, we require all suppliers to comply with the Ethical Trading Initiative’s (ETI) Base Code. For palm oil, we require suppliers to meet Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) Segregated criteria, while at home, we’re signatories to the UK Soy Manifesto.