Technical Higher Level Apprentice
“I gained a place on the Commercial Higher Level Apprentice degree scheme in September 2021. It’s a three-year programme where 80% of my time is spent on the job and 20% on my studies. This means that, for part of the time, I am at Sheffield Hallam University. When I have finished the scheme, I will qualify with a BA Hons degree in Chartered Management.
Since I am halfway through my first year, I’m still unsure at the moment exactly what kind of job I want do once I have graduated. However, each year I will be given a different role in a different Samworth Brothers company, so that gives me plenty of opportunity to explore the kind of career path I’d like to take.
I’m currently in my first placement where I’m working at Walker & Son in product development. I get involved in activities such as collecting data on competitors’ products, attending taste panels, and using the ‘Recipe Professor’ online tool that helps us to review and improve products. While undertaking this day-to-day role, I am also learning important skills such as communication, organisation and email etiquette.
I’m a hands-on learner so this is a great way to gain valuable competences and practical experience. This is knowledge I simply wouldn’t have received if I had opted for a full-time degree course.
The other plus point, of course, is that I’m earning a salary while studying for my degree – and that means I get the best of both worlds.”